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2005 Mercedes-Benz C230 Sedan
I'd never owned a 4-door car before, but the 2005 Mercedes-Benz C230 was by far the sportiest 4-door I'd ever seen. Unfortunately about the same time I got the car I also found out I was pregnant. (Being pregnant was not the unfortunate part). I had morning sickness (which certainly didn't stick to the morning) so bad that any time I smelled the new car smell in the Mercedes (and Marty's Mustang also) I would throw up immediately. We tried several ways of getting the smell out but nothing worked. After throwing up so much every single time I got around the car, I started to not like the car so much. I ended up driving Marty's Jeep and he drove the Mercedes until we got rid of it (which wasn't long after we got it).
To this day I still gag when I see a red Mercedes (Marty likes to point them out to me).
I owned the Mercedes from February 12, 2005 - April 21, 2005. The starting mileage was around 16 miles and it had around 1250 miles on it when we traded it in on the Toyota 4Runner.