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2005 Ford Mustand GT
Marty had finally decided that he REALLY wanted a 2005 Ford Mustang GT and we finally decided to take the plunge and get one. We called around all the local dealerships to get the best price, and ended up finding out that the interior package that Marty wanted was discontinued from the factory (indefinitely). Since he didn't want the car without it, we'd decided to wait until they start production with the interior package again or wait to see what the 2006's look like.
And then the next morning at 6 am Marty woke me up and drug me over to this Ford dealership in Dunn. He said that he was online and that this dealership said that they had a car in stock that was just what he was looking for (but the seat color was different) and he wanted to see if it looked okay in person. So, thinking they probably already sold the car, we took a chance and went to Dunn, NC. Come to find out, they did have the car, it was available, Marty loved the color (and everything else about it), and they beat the APR of the State Employees Credit Union so we did the financing there and everything. Of all the ways we had pictured that day turning out, neither one of us expected to have a GT in our driveway that night.
It was an amazing car - unlike any on the road. It was awesome and got a LOT of attention on the road. However, after we found out we were going to have a baby, Marty decided he didn't want to try to get a car seat in and out of the back seat of it and maybe it wasn't such a practical car to have, so we sold it to Carmax for pretty much what we paid for it.
Marty owned this car from February 2005 - May 2005. The starting mileage was around 30 miles and it had around 1000 miles on it when we sold it.